"It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.”
– Harry S Truman, 33rd President of the United States, and former Colonel in the U.S. Army


Cory Mahan

State Commander - Marines - Post 2714

Roger Ferguson

Senior Vice Commander - Air Force - Post 1114

Dave Hammons

Junior Vice Commander - Army

Ken Lange

Surgeon - Marines - Post 10003

Shelley Jacobs

Judge Advocate - Marines - Post 1282

Larry Patch

Chaplain - Air Force

Becky Murphy

Adjutant - Marines - Post 1282

Michael Jordan


Johnny Capps

National Council Member - Navy - Post 972

William (Billy) Thien

Past Commander in Chief - Navy - Post 3281

Sheila Corcoran

Past State Commander - Army - Post 1587


Jeff Norkus

1st Dist. Commander

Gene Richards

2nd Dist. Commander - Post 1154

Kevin Banda

3rd Dist. Commander

Dick Lineberry

4th Dist. Commander - Air Force - Post 2457

Leslie Ackerman

5th Dist. Commander - Post 2689

Adam Bethard

6th Dist. Commander - Marines

Darin Carlson

7th Dist. Commander

Gary Woods

8th Dist. Commander - Post 1427

Mary Gowin

9th Dist. Commander - Post 1969

Eddie Toll-Seiler

10th Dist. Commander

Russell Pryor

11th Dist. Commander


Johnny Capps

Chief of Staff - Navy - Post 972

Edie Toll Seiler

Membership Chair - Army

Rob Loy

Sergeant at Arms - Marines